What is Vertigo?
Vertigo, also known as dizziness, is a health issue where an individual experiences a sensation of spinning around or feeling as if they are moving or swaying. This sensation can occur suddenly with certain movements, leading to symptoms.
Vertigo can have various causes, including ear infections, head injuries, inner ear problems, side effects of medications, and certain neurological disorders.
If a person's vertigo symptoms are severe, healthcare professionals may conduct various tests to confirm the diagnosis. Imaging technologies are sometimes used to understand the cause of dizziness.
The treatment of vertigo depends on identifying the cause and severity of the symptoms. Treatment is crucial to reduce symptoms and minimize the risk of recurrence. It may involve medications, as well as exercises such as repeating specific head movements and balance exercises.
In conclusion, vertigo is a health problem manifested by sensations like dizziness or feeling the movement of surrounding objects. Causes include ear infections, head injuries, and medication side effects. The treatment of vertigo is designed to reduce the severity of symptoms and may include methods such as repeating specific head movements and balance exercises.